November 9, 2018

Find movies by genres

You’ve asked — we’ve delivered. It is now possible to discover movies and series by genres, and it could not be any simpler!

There are two ways to search the genres: you can do so by launching the Search page or by typing in your favorite genre directly into the Search bar. You will notice that we’ve also entirely rebuilt the Search page.

Below the search bar and the list of currently popular movies you will now find a genres cloud. Scroll them horizontally to find the one you wish to explore further. A list of suggested films and series will be displayed for each selection. Shown directly underneath the genres, you’ll find the profiles of popular actors and directors currently being searched for the most by all members.

Finally, check out a list of suggested members to follow. Those of your friends who joined Must will appear first, followed by other notable members.

As always, we thank you for continuing to send us your feedback. The idea for exploring movies by genre came directly from you — our members. No matter how big or small, each tip gets our attention and each is reviewed, with best ones making it all the way to the app.

Keep enjoying good movies with Must!